
Christian Support & Discipleship

Weekly Prayer Meeting

The Lord Jesus Christ modelled prayer as part of worship unto our God (Matt 6:5-15). In Acts, we see that the church was born through prayers of the disciples. Prayer is the lifeline of the disciples, and prayer is the heart of the church. The Holy Spirit works through the prayers of the saints and uniting the church through the generations. So the saints are to gather to pray for the church as the body of Christ.

All the saints are invited to our church corporate prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7:30pm, via Zoom unless otherwise stated. If you would like to join the prayer meeting, do contact Elder Moses.

Small-Group Ministry

Jesus started his ministry with a small group of 12 Apostles. And in turn, the 12 apostles answered the call of Christ’s Great Commission making and teaching disciples. They would have met in homes as small groups, and in turn, the small groups of disciples founded the church of Jerusalem and subsequently in the church of Antioch. Churches having small groups ministry are the pattern of discipleship in the New Testament. More so than ever, in a post-Christian world, they are vital for the growth and discipleship of individuals and the church today. The small group ministry goes beyond bible studies in our church every Sunday. Once a month, Spiritual Encouragement Groups (SEG) meet to share one another’s lives in the light of the gospel. This sharing involves readings and discussions, and allows for members to speak the truth in love into each other’s situations. Elders have oversight over each of the SEGs and they gather across the island.

Join us to learn, appreciate, and practice the truths of the gospel in community. Please contact one of the Elders if you are interested.

Youth and Young Adults Ministry

God’s covenant is for the generations. The Youth and Young Adults Ministry is part of our efforts in fulfilling our vision of a flourishing and healthy church beyond our lifetime. The church is to impart and root its people in the reformed faith. The rooting of the faith is especially critical for youths as they are at the stage of life in which they face formidable challenges that erode godly living. We focus on discipleship: understanding the gospel, the doctrines, and applying them. The fruit of the ministry will be youth and young adults who become spiritually mature and testify their faith to those around them.

Annual Family Camp (June) and Year-End Gathering (December)

The church family gathers for inter-generational fellowship, fun and support at these events. There are opportunities for service in planning and organising these events.

For more information, contact any of the Elders.

Or drop us a message with our contact form.