I. IntroductionII. Complaints of an angry servant of God vs 1 - 4III. Probable reasons for an angry servant of GodIV. Ways to restore an angry servant of God vs…
I. Commission renewed by God vs 1-5II. Conviction of sin brought by God vs 6-9III. Compassion displayed by God vs 10IV. Conclusion
I. IntroductionII. Confessing vs 1 - 3III. Trials vs 4 – 6IV. Clinging vs 7 – 10V. Conclusion
I. IntroductionII. God is Sovereign in Providence vs 3,7III. God is Sovereign in Creation vs 4, 11, 13IV. God is Sovereign in Salvation vs 5, 10, 14, 16V. Conclusion
I. IntroductionII. Our Lord is grieved and offended by the sin of the nations vs 2III. Our Lord can save any sinner vs 2IV. Our Lord uses means to save…