Being is doing, and doing is being
Sermon outline:I. Introduction Are “being a Christian” and “doing as a Christian” two separate spiritual states? What really is “doing” as a Christian?II. Jesus warns the disciples that it was not enough to hear and agree with his teaching but they are to examine their lives with what they hear (39- 45).A. You can’t teach or correct if you have not learned. (39-42)B. You reveal the sort of person you are by the way you live and speak.(43-45)III.The Parable of the Two Builders (46-49)A. Jesus’ rebuke : why call me “Lord” and not do what I say? (46)B. Hearing and practicing Jesus’ words is building with foundation (47–48)C. Hearing Jesus’ words alone is building without foundation (49)D. The storm test how well-built the houses areIV. [Main idea] Being a Christian is doing what Jesus says and doing what Jesus says is being a ChristianA. You can’t separate being a Christian from doing what Jesus says.B. Your relationship WITH Christ should have priority over what you do FOR ChristC. Your being in Christ does not spare you from the storms of lifeD. Your being and doing are to be built on the foundation of Christ alone.V. The Conclusion1. Imagine a world or community where people do what Jesus says. Where people love their enemies, do good to those who hate them, bless those who curse them, pray for those who abuse them, do to others what they wish others would do to them. All of us would want to live there.2. The failure to live the Jesus way is self-destructive and foolish. Living the Jesus way is stability and peace.3. The parable is concerned primarily about final judgment. If God’s judgment is taken seriously, failure to live according to his desire for us really is foolish4. The parable insists that we focus on an intimate relation with Jesus that produces obedience and action out of love for Him.5. Anyone who hears these words of Jesus and does not do them is a fool. Would you be foolish or wise today?